#13 FX Impact Mk2 On The Farm-The Best Laid Plans….. − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

I myself up on farm with the MK2 Impact ready action and no birds show up! So I shift position and rove the pens, luckily I manage bag half a dozen.

My Kit-

Impact Mk2 Rifle supplied Countryway Gun Shop – https://www.countrywaygunshop.co.uk/
Carbon Fibre Shroud https://air-fectivetuning.co.uk/
FX Impact Mk2 – https://fxairguns.com/rifles/the-impact/
ATN X-Sight 4K – https://www.atneu.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwo7foBRD8ARIsAHTy2wmTnRlJTKKrJG47j_iFOdYNwlIg-SFREMNBo9_N6RHdhWvJ76RCTZoaAgFIEALw_wcB
