[Granblue Fantasy] Unite and Fight – Lv100 Tezcatlipoca Nightmare Solo (Wind Chaos Ruler) − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Non-strike , solo clear of lv 100 Tezcatlipoca NM with:
Wind Chaos Ruler (EX Clarity/Clear, Unpredictable, Rain of Arrows III)
Lv80 SSR Selfira
Lv80 Grand/Limited Lecia
Lv100 Niyon/Nio

Weapon pool/grid and character extended mastery/zenith setup shown starting at 16:21

Surprisingly not that bad (at least compared to Snow White!); Selfira really shined here her all-in-one package of buffs, debuffs, and party sustain (3 turns of Revitalize with her charge attack).

Of course, 5* Nio was crucial to keeping party safe with her spammable shield and passive that reduces incoming damage 20%.

Lecia issued three different types of orders throughout the raid, which highlights her versatility, and her dispel on charge attack was also a big help.

I was sweating bullets at the end, as I finished the raid with less than a minute to go before the end of the round.

【グラブル】 決戦!星の古戦場 (39回目) — Lv100 テスカトリポカ HELL ソロ
セレフィラ (SSR)、リーシャ(リミテッドver)、ニオ
