[Granblue Fantasy] Feena フィーナ Rebalance Showcase (Lv 120 Gilgamesh ギルガメッシュ HL) − アフィリエイト動画まとめ


finally her 1st skill got what it should be, 180 seconds duration and 25% DEF Down but compare to S.Jeanne , Feena's DEF Down have lower accuracy at 90% while S.Jeanne have 100% and can boost accuracy by her EMP, now you also guarantee to have 2 crushed stack after 2nd turn with her 3rd skill which make it more easily to boost her ougi damage but her 2nd skill to gain 100% charge bar is somehow base on RNG if don't use to dodge AoE, Gilgamesh used ougi between 50-10% are Gilgamesh Babilogan and Gilgaslash which are one hit and two hit. but other Earth boss are fine to use to dodge ougi, Medusa, Baal, and Alexiel at 100-51% ougi are AoE and multi-hit, Alexiel when 50%HP or below auto attack is AoE. I she would get FLB I think what she should to get are substitute effect on 2nd skill and increased max Crushed stack.

couldn't you just Coma 1 more turn? Gilgamesh.

Class : Chaos Ruler
Pool&Summon used : https://i.imgur.com/paiD17v.png
-Lv 100 Siete
-Lv 80 Feena
-Lv 100 Nio
-Lv 80 Summer Jeanne D'arc
Character Zenith/EMP : https://i.imgur.com/EnqhcCX.jpg
Log : https://i.imgur.com/X6Owv9o.png
