Granblue Fantasy グラブル – Kumbhira クビラ Vs Dark Angel Olivia Dエンジェル・オリヴィエ − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

I moved all +1 from dark light in preparation GW next month and I wanted to try some fight that could resemble what we'll get in the GW with the team I decided to use (I still need to uncap my second certificus in the coming weeks).
Dark Angel Olivia is generally a good target because her defense rating is 10 which is very similar to what we get in GW (Vortex Dragon was defense rating 11 which means you do 10% less damage compared to a defense rating 10)
The run was flawless and extremely speedy. Amira + Certificus guarantees you to keep Kumbhira's buffs up and gives a good uptime even to Io's ougi buff (which increases your cap considerably).
All in all I think I'll use this team for most the nightmare bosses next GW. What are you going to use? Are you prepared for next GW?
