Granblue Fantasy グラブル – Ferry フェリ Showcase − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Ferry is one those characters that were extremely strong in past, but power creeped with the passing of . Her kit is ancient and ancient I really mean it. She has a 340K nuke with no extra effect, her ougi has no effect, her passive is “okay”, etc…
Of course she still has the 4 turns of guaranteed TA with echo, but the penalty of having gather 100% charge bar really limits the usage unless you use her exclusively during strike time.
Unfortunately I don't see them doing an FLB her anytime soon because she's going to appear in the main story and that means she's going to get a grand version sooner or later. Can we at least get a full revamp in the form of a rebalance?
It's a shame that it's hard to find reasons to bring her along considering the limitations on her kit.
