Granblue Fantasy グラブル – Aqours Second-Years Before FLB アクア2年生チーム − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

second unit that is going get an FLB this month is Aqours Second-Years. This is an FLB that they promised us back when the collab was running as a a popular vote between the three ssr.
The second years girls were already the strongest and, as you can see from this video, probably the ones that needed the least the FLB, but well here we are.

They currently have
1) 35 DA/5% TA party wide buff (5 turns over 8)
2) C.A. Instant Standby every 7 turns
3) Dispel
4) Local charm effect
5) They also give Water ATK up and heal on ougi. Their ougi has 30% higher damage which helps capping.
6) 10% permanent unique ATK mod through EMP.

What's my wishlist?
1) Increase a bit the TA numbers on her buff and maybe raise that buff to be 5/7 in terms of uptime.
2) Improve their passive to increase C.A. Damage Cap as well (even a 10% is enough)
3) Increase the cap of their healing on ougi.

What's your wishlist their FLB?
