Granblue Fantasy グラブル – Sandalphon FLB サンダルフォン最終上限解放 Showcase − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

After a few hours sliming here we are with upgraded Sandalphon and I have say that he's at the same level of Lucio right now in terms of kit and pretty nice to with.

These are the changes they did:
1) Reduced cooldown (6 turns instead of 7), Improved damage cap and healing cap on his nuke
2) Passive now always removes one debuff at turn start. Adds Revitalize (500 health).
3) Skill 1 now has higher def up (30%) and adds hostility up (40% chance to be targeted).
4) Ougi now gives a special buff that allows Sandalphon to use Paradise Lost the next ougi that grants him Light ATK UP (40%), Echo (40%) and a permanent buff to cast two times in a row his second skill.

Can we get an upgrade to Lucio as well now please? *wonder*
