Lily FLB リリィ最終上限解放 Showcase (Granblue Fantasy グラブル) − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Lily FLB is finally here and she's as great as we expected her be. With improvements to damage output, healing and tanking, Lily is now a powerhouse water element and core the ultima staff teams.

Lily FLB gives her:
1) 50% CA Damage and 30% cap up on ougi whenever Glaciate is active
2) First skill gives a stackable buff to party (unremovable) that gives fire damage reduction (4% per stack, max 20%) and a buff to self (unremovable, 3 usages) that activates her third skill whenever the enemy uses a special attack
3) Her second skill cooldown is lowered to 5 turns and now inflict 10% DEF/ATK down (stackable up to 40%). If you have 3+ races the skill activates twice (like in this case)
4) Her first passive is party wide now.
5) Her second passive works at max power with only 3 races now.

I'm still not sure if Altair is the right choice here to be honest, now that Lily brings Def down, I wonder if it's better to use Pholia instead of him for extra damage. I may do another video in the future with that other combination to check.
