
DRAGON BALL Z II (FC) – アフィリエイト動画まとめ

DRAGON BALL Z II (FC) – アフィリエイト動画まとめ

DRAGON BALL Z II Gekishin Freezer!!


01 – Let's go NAMEK planet. 00:00:30
02 – Find the village, quick 00:31:30
→ objetive: find 4 star dragon ball, avoid Kiwi and Vegeta.
03 – Goku's Departure 00:44:10
04 – To the next village 00:53:50
→ objetive: find 6 star dragon ball, avoid Dodoria and Vegeta.
05 – Goku in space 1:00:45
06 – Dende 1:07:58
→ objetive: find 7 star dragon ball and Dende, avoid Zarbon and Vegeta.
07 – Goku's Last Training 1:16:50
08 – KURIRIN and DENDE going to SAICHÔRÔ 1:36:00
→ objetive: try to reach Saichoro to get another dragon ball and a power-up avoiding, Kiwi, Dodoria and Zarbon.
10 – EVERONE'S POWER UP 2:06:20
→ objetive: reach saichoro again to power-up the others Z warriors. Avoid Kiwi, Dodoria and Zarbon.
All Z warriors and vegeta get the power up.
11 – ALLIED VEGETA 2:23:35
→ defeat Kiwi, Dodoria and Zaabon to get 3 Dragon Ball . Avoid Freezer.
Kiwi – 2:29:05
vs Dodoria – 2:47:30
vs Zarbon – 2:57:42
→ to make things easier avoid the whole confrontation and defeat one one each member.
if Goku is with you and you trained him very well then the confrontations will be stupidly easy.
vs Ghourd – 3:19:50
vs Recoome – 3:30:10
vs Jeice – 3:38:40
vs Burter – 3:44:25
vs Captain Ginyu – 3:54:10
13 – Hurry up” Dende. 4:04:21
you cannot defeat Freezer. Just use “high defensive” cards to gain some time. That's it.
14 – Freezer's defeat.

いいね ! しよう

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