
Divine Souls F2P MMO (PC) – Game Play − アフィリエイト動画まとめ


Welcome . A series, sorts, where I check out various video games and share my immediate experiences with you.

Today we're taking a look at Divine Souls ().

I've never been a huge follower of MMO's but I have played quite a few such as Tera, a bit of WoW and especially Elder Scrolls Online. Divine Souls wasn't one of them, however, so I out to change that.

Am I glad I did?

Well. Sort of.

It's certainly not the greatest game I've played and I hardly care about the story but I did find the gameplay somewhat stimulating in its simplicity.

You take on quests and then set out clearing dungeons and completing your objectives. These might vary but they're usually collecting a bunch of items, slaying a few minions and ultimately killing a boss at the end. It's nothing special or anything new but it can be stimulating. The combat isn't great and even on harder difficulties, Divine Souls never gets too hard, but it's simple and easy to grasp.

Despite the combat mechanics are simplistic It can be fun to kill enemies and I do believe there's a deeper game beneath what I got to experience. It seems rich with crafting and item gathering so if you're into that sort of thing, Divine Souls might be a game to check out. Also, it's free to play so you won't have to cough up any money but don't expect to be able to enjoy it with other people. I didn't come across a single player during my so I wouldn't expect too much from the social experience.

And that's the key, I think. Don't expect too much out of this game, and you might actually enjoy it. So yeah, check it out.

The game was played on Steam and recorded using Windows 10 Xbox Bar. No postwork has been done.

いいね ! しよう
