
【グラブル】Granblue Fantasy | Dark Battlefield HELL 95 4-turn Clear − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

【グラブル】Granblue Fantasy | Dark Battlefield HELL 95 4-turn Clear − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Don't you guys just looove GW (¬‿¬)

There's a lot of controversy surrounding Summer Zooey and this of strategy but honestly, it gets job done efficiently so I am all this comp regardless of everyone else's opinions.

NM100 is gonna be a whole different story though and I'm pretty excited since I have been making some upgrades to my dark grid.

Please stay tuned for GW videos, and as always, thank you for all the views and support. If you would like to see me try any other teams feel to leave a comment below and I'll do my best.

#GBF #GranblueFantasy #グラブル

いいね ! しよう

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