
[Granblue Fantasy] Six-Dragon Advent : Vermillion Wilnas − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

[Granblue Fantasy] Six-Dragon Advent : Vermillion Wilnas − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

六竜討伐戦 「朱」 ウィルナス

FPS drop at some video because I record with 2 programs at same prevent one is unuseable due voice isn't match with video like what happen to my today first round, if you want I can make video with better FPS on next

the fight isn't hard as Pride of Ascendant because boss hp isn't much so if you manage to kill him fast, less damage taken you get but on the other hand he hit very hard so you may need to use Guard on his special attack survive

Class : Doctor
Character :
-Lv 100 Katalina
-Lv 100 Lily
-Lv 100 Quatre
Character Zenith/EMP : https://i.imgur.com/vYa0CZ4.png

いいね ! しよう

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