
[Granblue Fantasy] Lobelia Showcase #1 – Lv120 Europa エウロペ − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

[Granblue Fantasy] Lobelia Showcase #1 – Lv120 Europa エウロペ − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

ロベリアお試し エウロペソロ
” Dokokara Barasouka (どこから、バラそうか) ”

Lobelia is one of Evoker that I think it's doesn't always necessary bring from backline to frontline. He will gain 10 Magic Crest able to instant 3rd skill to gain addition skill damage when using skill. But in my opinion it doesn't must to do that, it's fine if you don't want to waste your time or turn to bring him from backline to frontline. Cuz his 1st skill not only deal damage and gain 1 Magic Crest, he also get buff that guarantee TA and 50% echoes for this turn too, so with this you can even take advantage of this for echoes auto attack playstyle with skill like Chaser or Mahira's 3rd skill, also his 2nd skill which has effect 3 turns cut to earth's allies skill also useful to decreased your downtime and make it's faster to able to use those buff skill again. Every 3 turns he will deal aoe skill damage from his passive, damage spec will boost for each activated (damage spec boost will max at 3rd activated or )​ and upon activated he also gain 1 Magic Crest too, that mean every 3 turns he will gain 4 Magic Crest if you use 1st skill every turn

Class : Lumberjack
-Lv 80 Lobelia
-Lv 80 Dante and Freiheit
-Lv 100 Mahira
Character Zenith/EMP : https://i.imgur.com/hoG1mBI.jpg
Log : https://i.imgur.com/Cb1eDpF.png

いいね ! しよう

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