
[Granblue Fantasy] Lv90 Agni Extreme+ Solo (Water Kengo w/ Unsigned Kaneshige feat. Vajra) − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

[Granblue Fantasy] Lv90 Agni Extreme+ Solo (Water Kengo w/ Unsigned Kaneshige feat. Vajra) − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Non-strike , solo clear Lv 90 Agni EX+ with:
Water Kengo (EX Miserable Mist, No Doubt, EX Defense Breach)
Lv90 Ejaeli
Lv100 Feower/Quatre
Lv80 Vajra

Weapon pool/grid and character extended mastery/zenith setup shown starting at 4:14

Aw man, I was so close to 5 turns. Next time, for sure! My second Europa Harp will be completed at beginning of next month at the very least.

Well, here's Vajra in action, the character I saved up for six to spark. I was drawn to her cuteness, but after rebalance buffs she's very useful too.

Three turns of double strike (thanks to Quatre's buff extension) gives Vajra decent firepower in the early going, and her charge attack party buff really kicks in at four stacks (although this raid was too short to demonstrate that).

I should also mention that 5* Ejaeli is really nice. She has a kit that works well in water, but she's also a potent auto attacker for 2~3 turns after she does a charge attack. With a great 20% self-chaser above 80% HP (virtually free), Ejaeli can out-damage many water SSRs.

【グラブル】 四象降臨 – Lv90 アグニス討伐戦 EXTREME+ ソロ (剣豪、無銘金重)

いいね ! しよう

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