
Granblue Fantasy グラブル – Nezahualpilli FLB ネツァワルピリ 最終上限解放 Showcase − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Granblue Fantasy グラブル – Nezahualpilli FLB ネツァワルピリ 最終上限解放 Showcase − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Nezahualpilli is one most powerful selfish wind attackers that we have sporting:
1) a 5/6 turns 45% unique mod atk with no penalty and immunity to all debuffs the duration
2) Break assassin + 20% atk buff for 1 turn
3) 100% DA/20%TA self buff on a 3/6 turns basis
4) 3% TA given to all characters in the party as bonus.
I only got him recently and took me a while to level him up, but he's definitely impressive as a character.
His only issue is that being in Wind he has to compete with Scathacha FLB (considering Nio FLB and Andira FLB are pretty much untouchable nowadays) who unfortunately, aside from giving damage, also gives utility to the entire party with clarity and a wind atk buff that she can keep permanently on.
If you don't have her or you don't feel you need her utility, he's always a great choice to bring along.

Can we get him rebalanced by changing his break assassin into an anytime assassin please? *wonder*

いいね ! しよう

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