
MONTHLY GACHA DRAW (January 2019) | Granblue Fantasy − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

MONTHLY GACHA DRAW (January 2019) | Granblue Fantasy − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Playing Granblue Fantasy on ( Chrome).

It's GACHA-!
Since i usually collect all and every Crystal and DRAW-Ticker over the month in order use them all at once during the monthly SSR-Event, i am sharing my Reactions with you!

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And don't forget to feed the FLOOF!
I want me some FAT-ASS-FLOOF!
Feed him by liking this video!

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#GranblueFantasy #Gacha #Draw

いいね ! しよう

グランブルーファンタジー(GRAMBLUE FANTASY)カテゴリの最新記事