
Granblue Fantasy グラブル – Final Rally Battle Hades SPバトル「ハデス」 − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Granblue Fantasy グラブル – Final Rally Battle Hades SPバトル「ハデス」 − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Only five people turned out at kill it so it turned out in a massive long against a huge sponge health.

The phases that I spotted while playing were:
Phase 1) From 100% to 50%, does nearly no damage. Snorefest
Phase 2) From 50% to 25%, damage increases considerably, start debuffing a of your buffs every single ougi.
Phase 3) from 25% to 10%, becomes immune to DEF Down and ATK down. Damage Increases.
Phase 4) from 10% to 0%. Damage increases even and has a few plain damage attacks.

All in all it was a fun run and a nice conclusion to this GW. Next GW is going to be in april so we have at least some time to recover mentally…

いいね ! しよう

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