
Granblue Fantasy グラブル – Wind Chrysaor (Windhose + Eight-Life Katana) 風クリュサオル (八命切・凪 + ヴィントホーゼ) − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Granblue Fantasy グラブル – Wind Chrysaor (Windhose + Eight-Life Katana) 風クリュサオル (八命切・凪 + ヴィントホーゼ) − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

wind I decided use Windhose (an awesome sword main hand we got from Proving Grounds event) and Eight-Life Katana which is the unlock weapon for Okto.
I had the katana available and already at max power (as I haven't FLB Okto yet) so I thought about using it and it's actually quite impressive. 30% charge boost is quite good for this class that wants to keep ougi-ing as often as possible.
I feel I can do two ougi in a round if I take the skill that let me gain charge bar on use so I'll probably try that the next I fight with Wind.
What combination are you using yourself?

These are the other videos I made on the class (This list will update):

Dark: https://www..com/watch?v=ZUIEMj2SV44

いいね ! しよう

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