
Alexiel ゴッドガード・ブローディア Solo feat Andira FLB アンチラ (Granblue Fantasy グラブル) − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

Alexiel ゴッドガード・ブローディア Solo feat Andira FLB アンチラ (Granblue Fantasy グラブル) − アフィリエイト動画まとめ

It's been a while since my last recorded solo of Alexiel and I wanted to try again now that Andira got FLB which should allow a aggressive playstyle to try and reduce taken. The grid didn't change much aside from the introduction of Windhose recently.
The results are pretty good, the last recorded took 22 minutes and 41 seconds (with a very defensive party of Selfira, Lennah and Nio) while this run only took 15 minutes and 27 seconds.
Alexiel's damage output becomes pretty low once you factor in the increased DEF provided Andira and the damage cut provided by Summer Jeanne.
I wonder if they'll announce some new earth boss at the anniversary, Yggdrassil Malice would be nice to have…*angry bell noises*

いいね ! しよう

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